
Unknown-1Welcome to Writing Research and Methods.  This website is the official class site for Dr. Mia Zamora’s  graduate course ENG 5002.  The course is one of two required courses for the Master of Arts in English-Writing Studies.  It provides students with an overall introduction to the field of Writing Studies as a discipline, and prepares them to write a research-based thesis project.  Designed to bring graduate students together for the purpose of exploring significant concepts or issues in their area of graduate specializations, this course will help students to:

  • identify key theoretical contributions associated with schools of research within composition studies and writing studies;
  • analyze a range of research paradigms suitable for composition studies and writing studies;
  • Identify key theoretical contributions associated with different approaches to research;
  • explain the major theories of composing and teaching writing;
  • apply, examine and practice the different parts of the writing process;

This website will serve as our collaborative e-locale for sharing our on-going work and resources. It will be a central location for all syndicated student writing (public scholarship) and all open education resources and materials.  Anyone can access this site on the open web. Writing for this class will be most certainly read by our immediate learning community regularly, and you may consider the course website a co-written “artifact” of our co-produced public scholarship. Students in ENG 5002 will write/contribute/create their work with this understanding, and a broader audience in mind. 


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ENG 5002: Where Research Begins
