All posts by Ngoc Thuy Nguyen




My Ending Post, Part 2

How time flies! When I write this blog, I remember the day starting to write my first blog. Just a few days ago I was still pondering on a question how I complete my weekly blog well, now it is the last blog post to end the research methodologies series.

Anyway, this week’s reading is “When students want to stand out: Discourse moves in online classroom discussion that reflect students’ needs for distinctiveness.” I was drawn attention to “Uniqueness-seeking and optimal distinctiveness” part, I think this part is one of the key parts in this article. It showed the importance of self-distinctiveness. Snyder and Fromkin considered that people are impacted by their desires to preserve a sense of modest self-distinctiveness. They experience negative feelings when they perceive themselves as being extremely similar to or different from others. Therefore, I think the uniqueness- seeking plays an important role, everyone wants to be special and unique. As Lynn and Snyder said, “as people perceive more similarity between themselves and others in the group, they become increasingly motivated to reaffirm their distinctiveness, creating a need for uniqueness.” Because of this situation, some researchers claimed the needs for uniqueness seeking and optimal distinctiveness are helpful concepts for comprehending human interaction. Lynn and Harris quoted, “consumers’ dispositional needs for uniqueness were positively related to their preference for unique shopping venues and to the desire for scarce, innovative, and customized products. Their hypothesis that needs for uniqueness would correlate negatively with consumer susceptibility to social influence, however, was not supported, suggesting that the needs to fit in and to be unique may function independently.”

About my draft paper, I am on the way to deal with my question, and I am considering if I should use qualitative or quantitative in my research. It is still deep diving here, but I complete my intro part. My intro still has some mistakes, so I may fix it many times. I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANKS EVERYONE FOR READING MY BLOGS, ALTHOUGH IT SOMETIMES MAKE YOU GUYS CONFUSING. I CAN SAY THAT I HAVE A GOOD JOURNEY TO GAIN MY KNOWLEGDE.

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Phenomenology, Part 2

The reading of this week was A Phenomenological Research Design Illustrated by Thomas Groenewald. To write this blog, I  also search some information about phenomenology in Vietnam articles. Then I figured out that Husserl drew many important concepts central to phenomenology from the writings and lectures of his teachers, philosophers and psychologists Franz Brentano and Carl Stumpf. An important element of phenomenology that Husserl borrowed from Brentano is intentionality, the notion that consciousness is always something which is consciousness. The objects of consciousness are called intentional objects, and this object is established for consciousness in a variety of ways, though, for example, perception, memory, retention and protention, meaning, etc. Throughout these different intentionalities, although they have different structures and different ways of being “about” the object, an object is still constituted as an identical object; consciousness is directed at the same intentional object in direct perception as it is immediately after the maintenance of this object and its ultimate remembering.

Although many phenomenological methods involve various reductions, reduction is merely a tool to better understand and describe the workings of consciousness and does not reduce any phenomena to these descriptions by its nature. In other words, when a reference is made to the nature or idea of a thing, or when the constitution of an identically combined thing is specified by describing what one “really” just is aspects, these surfaces, it does not mean that the one and only thing is what is described here: the ultimate goal of these cuts is to understand how these aspects. This difference is constituted into reality as the person experiences it. Phenomenology was a direct reaction to the psychology and physicalism of Husserl’s time.

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“A Research-Based Approach to Game Writing Pedagogy” is this week’s reading by Seth Andrew Hudson, Ph.D. When I saw the title, I thought it must be a complex article to understand. Because I am not really into games, I have no idea about it when I have to talk about something. However, I tried to complete my reading and I found some interesting information. I immerse myself in the “Data Collection and Analysis” part. It gives me information about how to collect and analyze data. The study involved one-on-one interviews with participants at industry events and email lists. The interviews were conversational, allowing for the co-creation of knowledge and interpretation through a conceptual lens. The interviewer coded responses in situ, allowing for interaction and identifying emergent themes. Open coding was performed to identify points of emotional intensity. The data was analyzed using meaning condensation tables from Brinkmann and Kvale’s (2014) framework. The process involved revisiting the transcripts and audio, extracting natural units that accurately portrayed the context of specific responses. This curated sampling of natural units was the final data set. The engagement with the data was particularly useful as an educator, providing immediate insights for classroom practice and enhancing game writing pedagogy.

I think it must be a hard part of research. However, it plays an important role in research. When I read this part, I seem to understand partly the way to collect and analyze data.

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Comments On Grounded Theory

At first, I would like to say “thank you” to Brittney because her blog helps me to realize that I seem to study foreign language (the article) in foreign language (English) LOL.  Academical words are always something restrict me to understand some contents in “Reducing Confusion about Grounded Theory and Qualitative Content Analysis: Similarities and Differences” book by Ji Young Cho and Eun-Hee Lee. Anyway, Cho and Lee made the article clear by making the list of 6 areas when they drew comparisons between grounded theory and qualitative content. Within the limits of my understanding about this article, I searched Vietnamese article for more information, I’d like to make some brief comments.Grounded theory has a rigorous and transparent research process, especially in the stages of coding and forming concepts. However, the process of coding, forming key concepts and linking them to form theories is still decided by the individual researcher. So, do these processes reflect reality? Although the social context is mentioned in the research, according to the general opinion of the researchers, the data of studies collected by this method are often from interviews and observations. Furthermore, coding in detail does not show us the context and progression of the phenomenon. Grounded theory has been criticized: a) observation can hardly be neutral because it is affected by the researcher’s knowledge; b) can this theory lead to real theories? or is it just some concepts?) some main concepts of this theory are difficult to distinguish such as concept and category; d) This theory is an objective approach.

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Literacy Network And My Rambling

When I started writing this blog post, my first step didn’t seem to be going very well. I read “Literacy Networks: Following the Circulation of Text, Bodies, and Objects in the Schooling and Online Gaming of One Youth” by Kevin Leander and Jason Lovorn on my lagging laptop. After a few minutes, my laptop suddenly shut down with a burning smell. My brother-in-law lent me this one to continue my blog. When I started reading this article I felt more overwhelmed as nothing came to my mind, even when the terms were explained I was stuck in understanding them. However, I strived continually to read other sections and I was quite impressed with the data which were collected to carry out this research. They have been seemingly collected by various methods.

In the article, it is said that there were many ethnographic methods used to obtain the data for this study, which was updated by interpretive-constructivist research assumptions (Erickson, 1986; Guba & Lincoln, 1994). Researchers also emerged viewpoints that support analyzing online behavior as linking with local, material geographies rather than as separate from material, embodied activity to collect data (Baym, 1998; Hine, 2000). They gathered data by using a variety of methods, including screening surveys, conducting interviews, noting fields, collecting writing artifacts, digitally recording online interactions (Spector Pro, Spector Soft, Vero Beach, FL), using a video camera, and videotaping online interactions. As being told, Brian’s English and history classes were observed at least once a week, during this time, his course work was collected. Beginning in February and lasting through August of 2003, biweekly home observations of online literacy activities, and computer gaming were conducted. Each visit home took about an hour and a half to two hours, involving time for questions and observation concerning Brian’s online activities. Following this time, researchers conducted monthly home observations of online contact for a year. As of May 2005, there is still ongoing long-term follow-up. In the project, Brian also held interviews both formally and informally about his literacy practices. The majority of the interviews, which took place after the initial screening interview, were discourse-based and about one of Brian’s texts or textual practices. During the course of the study, twenty other students as well as Brian’s history and English professors were interviewed twice. As can be seen, they carefully went through the data-collecting process so in my opinion, data is nearly the most important session for study. Sorry but I may be off topic here! lol

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Thought On Case Study

At first, when I scanned the reading once, I felt a little confused and thought that is this article really related to the case study topic? However, after completing my reading, I figured out that this story about Lin’s research process is a typical example of case study method.  The article helped me to understand what case study is. Case study is an in-depth research method about a person, a group, or an event that happened and is real, helping people understand and be able to visualize research object. In a case study research, nearly every aspect of the subject is analyzed to look for patterns and causes of behavior.

I can see every aspect of Lin’s research being analyzed through the reading. It also helped me to comprehend more clearly how Lin considering as someone who had no expertise in qualitative methods conducted a research by using qualitative method. The reading brought out the reasons for his failed research and draws conclusions.

To conduct a research, researchers need to reinforce their knowledge by participating in related courses. Moreover, researchers need to develop interviewing skills to collect data thoroughly. It can be said that this reading supported me to make sense more deeply because it was a real-life example of the qualitative research process conducted by a non-specialist. This real-life case gained me interest in reading the article. Unintentionally, I noticed the importance of case studies through the reading. Firstly, it is considered to increase practicality. In wholly fields, gaining and updating knowledge plays an extremely important role, but specialized theories are often numerous, difficult to understand and not easy to acquire. Therefore, Case Studies method will appear on practical scene, assist reader to provide easier-to-understand and more realistic examples. Secondly, it is such a boost to the interest in reading. Combining theory with specific Case Studies will help increase reader interest. Because, those are actual cases that have happened in the past or present. Compared to learning theory in a dry way, the combination will be more vivid, then apprehend well.

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Autoethgraphy & Autobiography

Recently, I’ve been quite interested in this method – Autoethnography. I admitted that I read selectively, starting from Alec’s short story to make this subject aprouse my interest. I can curiously read stories that the author looks back at objectively. It seemed that I could see myself in the story (lacking self-confidence, being anxious to speak to peers, avoiding social situation) This memoir also helps me to explore the deepest corners of Alec’s heart. Ok, now let me come to the point, I probably digress too much from the main topic.

At first, when I first read it, I just thought that autoethgraphy and autobiography were the same thing “Second, autobiographical research methods have become increasingly known as “autoethnography” and have been promoted, influenced, and developed by Ellis and Bochner (1999, 2000)”. However, I have realized there are 2 different sections about understanding autoethnography and autobiography. Having read more carefully, I noticed a few differences between these two. I also found more information to figure out the differences between these two partly through Vietnamese articles.


  • Autoethnography is primarily intended to tell outsiders about one’s culture or group through personal understanding, reflection, personal poetry and so on.
  • Autoethnography helps people in a group or culture better understand themselves and the shared experiences of that community.
  • Autoethnography is written in the context of ethnographic writing.
  • There can be no rigorous definition of autoethnography
  • The key to autoethnography is the analytical relationship among memoirs


  • Autobiography is writing a biography that is the unique story of each person’s life.
  • An autobiography is written based on one’s own memories and experiences.
  • The signature includes personal information and information about special statuses.
  • A full autobiography is a person’s life story told by themselves.
  • A person writes an autobiography.

To be honest, I am not sure the comparison is right or not but I just believe that they are two separate things.

Liminal Spaces and Research Identity

Firstly, I admitted that I am not a good reader because of various kinds of reasons, but my biggest limit is vocabulary restrictions.  When Ineed to read a long article before writing my blog, it causes me. Academic terms made me overwhelmed, I seemed to be drowning amidst the struggle and frustration, … But yeah I don’t mean to make the atmosphere here become more serious by my lamentation lol so I will leave all behind and hit the books.

Actually, I know readings related to research are extremely arid, but if we go through and contemplate it, maybe we can discover interesting things in each topic and “Liminal Spaces and Research Identity: The Construction of Introductory Composition Student as Researchers” is so. Via this article we can imagine the journey of introductory composition students since they develop themselves to become researchers. Moreover, it supplies valuable insight into the complexities of developmental processes. For me, the interesting viewpoint in this article is about the negative influences of the Internet on students’ research. It can’t be denied that information on the Internet is polluted and unreliable because it obtains thousands of noisy data. “Although no one can dispute that the WWW has greatly increased our access to information, it also creates a special set of problems for students who do not (or cannot) distinguish between the credible sources available via the electronic library and the morass of unregulated information on the World Wide Web”. In addition, it is said that students who rely on the Internet will lack library skills. “Materials we studied contend that if students do not know how to use the library and do not start there, they are not good researchers.”, even they could suffer from creative skill reduction. Yeah, everything has two sides! I think that if students know how to use it effectively, the Internet is a well-supportive tool: providing huge source of information, simplifying our studies, containing research supporting tools. However, students also have to hone their skills in using the library at the same time “Materials we studied contend that if students do not know how to use the library and do not start there, they are not good researchers. That is, effective use of library resources is a precondition to being a successful academic researcher.”

To be honest, there are things I cannot fully express my thoughts in my writing because of my skills limitation, which makes me lack confidence about it. I always thought this was an article with a lot of shortcomings and mistakes but it’s ok. Nonetheless, I made a great effort to complete it.