My Ending Post, Part 2
How time flies! When I write this blog, I remember the day starting to write my first blog. Just a few days ago I was still pondering on a question how I complete my weekly blog well, now it is the last blog post to end the research methodologies series.
Anyway, this week’s reading is “When students want to stand out: Discourse moves in online classroom discussion that reflect students’ needs for distinctiveness.” I was drawn attention to “Uniqueness-seeking and optimal distinctiveness” part, I think this part is one of the key parts in this article. It showed the importance of self-distinctiveness. Snyder and Fromkin considered that people are impacted by their desires to preserve a sense of modest self-distinctiveness. They experience negative feelings when they perceive themselves as being extremely similar to or different from others. Therefore, I think the uniqueness- seeking plays an important role, everyone wants to be special and unique. As Lynn and Snyder said, “as people perceive more similarity between themselves and others in the group, they become increasingly motivated to reaffirm their distinctiveness, creating a need for uniqueness.” Because of this situation, some researchers claimed the needs for uniqueness seeking and optimal distinctiveness are helpful concepts for comprehending human interaction. Lynn and Harris quoted, “consumers’ dispositional needs for uniqueness were positively related to their preference for unique shopping venues and to the desire for scarce, innovative, and customized products. Their hypothesis that needs for uniqueness would correlate negatively with consumer susceptibility to social influence, however, was not supported, suggesting that the needs to fit in and to be unique may function independently.”
About my draft paper, I am on the way to deal with my question, and I am considering if I should use qualitative or quantitative in my research. It is still deep diving here, but I complete my intro part. My intro still has some mistakes, so I may fix it many times. I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANKS EVERYONE FOR READING MY BLOGS, ALTHOUGH IT SOMETIMES MAKE YOU GUYS CONFUSING. I CAN SAY THAT I HAVE A GOOD JOURNEY TO GAIN MY KNOWLEGDE.
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